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God's magnetic love

God longs for us and wants so badly to be in union with us. He has a magnetic love that constantly wants to pull us close into Him. But the magnetic field is generous to our wants and our will. God wants us to choose Him, not to be forced to choose Him, so He waits for an invitation. Love can't be demanded it is given and received. Each step we take towards Him, His magnetic love increases ever so slightly to keep us engaged but allows us to retreat and turn away if we so desire. Each step towards Him is intricately created for the individual soul on just what they need to become one with Him. Some steps taken involve a sweetness, others motivate a soul by a longing to love Him. Yet other steps draw a longing to unfold His mystery and omnipotence. God will even hide to create a longing and a desire from the soul. This shows the hungry soul what it is to live without a Godly union. This pain shows the searching soul the reality that we were created for union with Him. There’s times when the soul will retract due to aversions or changes in the heart. Wounds, sins and the enemy can cause these aversions. But this doesn’t stop the constant magnetic field which is His love, His gentleness who endlessly awaits for the soul to take steps towards Him again.

"O God, you are my God it is you I seek!

For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts,

In a land parched, lifeless,

and without water. I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory. For your love is better than life;

my lips shall ever praise you!" Psalm 63:1

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, [then] I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me" Revelation 3:20.

"Our Lord wills that you cling to Him alone! If your faith were greater how much more peaceful you would be even when great trials surround and oppress you." St. Paula Frassinetti

"Christ acts like a loving mother. To induce us to follow Him, He gives us Himself as an example and promises us a reward in His kingdom." St Anthony of Padua


Words of
Everyday Grace

Words are powerful!  God literally used words to create the Universe by speaking creation into existence.  In Genesis 1:3 God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. What a beautiful act of love! God uses this communication through the Holy Spirit to "speak" sanctity into us! To transform us from sin to holiness. 

Graces are the supernatural gifts God gives us to help us gain eternal salvation. 

When we surrender ourselves to God we can be led by these truths and be transformed to  become more like Jesus!






To know Him, is to love and hear His voice.

©2021 by Lisa Johnson

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