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Words of Everyday Grace 

To Know Him, is to love Him and hear his voice

Welcome, to Words of Everyday Grace, my personal blog.  My name is Lisa.  I'm Catholic, married and mother of two .  My prayer is that those that God leads here, will be touched by His unending grace.  A few years ago I became very sick.  If it wasn't for God giving me everyday grace through words of scripture, the sacraments and whispers from the Holy Spirit, I wouldn't be here with a newfound faith, courage and joy! God led me to an intimate relationship of prayer and listening.  Over time, I have shared some of my intimate words of grace with friends, family and in prayer groups.  When I started  seeing others were touched by these intimate words of everyday grace, I wanted to find a better way to share them.  So here they are!

by Lisa Johnson

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Sharing God's grace to encourage the soul

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White Sands

How do we know when God is speaking?

Listen to what your are hearing and decide if it is coming from you, God or satan.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you.  When we fast and have a clean slate, after asking God for forgiveness, we can hear the Holy Spirit clearer. The more pure our soul is, the closer it is to God.   

God:                                                                                          Satan:

enlightens, clarifies, calms                                                          confuses, obsesses, brings anxiety

moves your will                                                                         moves your emotion

leads/guides                                                                             pushes/hurries

reassures                                                                                 frightens 

convicts, confronts, corrects                                                        condemns, accuses, shames

aligns with scripture/commandments                                           contradicts/twists or puts a small spin on it 

loves, unites                                                                             hates, divides

encourages, gives peace and hope                                                discourages, causes despair and hopelessness

for us                                                                                      against us

gives freedom                                                                           enslaves or makes us powerless


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