Fan into Flame
Updated: Mar 10, 2021
Reflecting on 2Timothy 1:6-7 “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control". Like trying to start a fire without a match, it takes a lot of patience, time, skill and effort on our part. If you’ve ever tried it, sometimes if the environment isn’t just right it’s nearly impossible. The friction of the sticks has to be
exchanged with a small blowing of oxygen to ignite the flame and spread it. It’s possible to light but so much easier when we use less of our will and just receive the “flame”.
The “match” or “flame” is the Holy Spirit, already lit. Keeping the fire going, is just like in us, our souls have to have the right “environment” to be a tabernacle, to be a resting place for this special gift. We should be a place of reception and acceptance. But without our cultivation skills of keeping the fire replaced
with kindling (scripture, God’s Love, sacraments and evangelization) the flame can dwindle or go out. We need a controlled, intermittent “blowing” of oxygen to feed the flame. This oxygen is the breath of God. Beloved, the cooperation of our will, the kindling we use, the Precious breath of God and the flame all keep the fire going! The Holy Spirit ignites the flame in us and gives us the grace to illuminate and spread the Love of God! Oh, Holy Spirit how I need your help and guidance! Mold me, use me, refine me! Come, stay in me!